
Henco Industries is part of the Aalberts holding company, maintaining its own identity and brand. On this website we use words such as ‘us’, ‘our’ and ‘we’ to refer to Henco Industries and Henco Floor, and not to refer to all sister companies belonging to the same holding company. We use the shortened company name ‘Henco’, as well as the full names ‘Henco Industries’ and ‘Henco Floor’ to refer to our organisation.

Henco has created this website to communicate general information about the company and its operations. We do our utmost to keep this information up to date and correct. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome via marketing@henco.be.


All rights are reserved by Henco Industries. Copyright and any other intellectual property rights in texts, images and other materials on this website are the property of Henco. For non-commercial, informative and personal purposes it is only allowed to use parts of this website for printing or downloading. Under no circumstances can it be sold or distributed, nor can it be adapted or used in a publication or on a website, neither online nor offline.