Sprinkler guarantees your fire safety

Besides the general application fields, as sanitary, floor heating, gas and heating, Henco noticed the need to solutions for other applications. With that in mind, we came up with a solution that could guarantee the fire safety in your apartment, company, house…

Henco XPress Sprinkler Multilayer System

The full name of this solution, is the Henco XPress Multilayer Sprinkler System. The system could stand apart or could be built into a sanitary application in some countries, as a drinking water supply. This solution needs to be encased in ceilings and is not designed to be endorsed within the construction of your ceilings.  

The Sprinkler contains several parts

Sprinkler is a total solution and exists of several elements. First, the system contains specific Sprinkler Multilayer pipes, followed by Sprinkler fittings and the Sprinkler cup. These fittings are built of high-quality PVDF, and are provided with a stainless steel body. The whole system has the German VDS approval. The pipes and fittings are provided with a specific red mark.

Project Henco sprinkler

Advantages of our Sprinkler system

Thanks to this combination, the solution offers both the advantages of the multilayer pipes and the advantages of the PVDF- fittings. A primary advantage is the flexibility of the pipe, thus the pipe is easy to bend and could be installed at different locations within the building.

Another advantage includes the light-weight of both the fittings and the pipes. A further advantage focuses on the corrosion resistant characteristics of the Henco System. The multilayer pipe as well as the fittings are resistant to high pressure and temperature. Lastly, the pipe is completely oxygen-tight thanks to the aluminium layer.

Naturally, everybody needs fire safety in their lives. Let us help you stay safe. Henco is pleased to be your partner